Sunday, May 20, 2007

2. WIP Core Gameplay

The style of gameplay is very specific and is focused on being addictive.
The game will challenge the players reflexes with combinations of different types of spectacular explosions to dodge, and deadly obstacles to avoid. It will challenge their spatial awareness with blast radius being important to gameplay. Timing and pattern recognition will be important, as the player encounters combinations of explosives that require timed sequence of dodging

The game genre is mainly Action with some Platform game challenges. Due to the fluctuating time constraint imposed by stress, puzzles will be quite simple and reliant on paten recognition.

There will be implicit challenges as players estimate the explosive force of Keith’s stress level relative to the detonate-able objects at hand. And in dealing with the now-ball effect of increased stress.

Story and gameplay are very linear. This is to sustain the mood, keep the levels balanced and to keep the focus of gameplay on the action aspect of the challenges.

The appearance of the Keith is very dependant on gameplay. The larger and redder the avatars head, the more potent the explosions, and the closer the Keith is to self immolation. It is also one of the only onscreen clues as to the state of play and the avatars condition.

The games collection of challenges are very related. Based around fire, explosions and projectiles Coupled with the more passive challenges of the environment, doors, ledges platforms etc

The player will at times have to face multiple challenges, dealing with stress management, dodging incendiaries and planning a path.
The player must overcome platform style obstacles to reach the end of each level with Keith intact.

Keith moves around the factory by;
  • jumping over crates of TNT, missiles, landmines

  • running the gauntlet of weapon testing zones

  • avoiding metal presses

  • dodging molten metal from steel foundries

Stress increases due to:

  • sirens

  • injury

  • abusive comments from loudspeakers

  • unintentional damage to innocent parties

  • passing of time

Keith’s stress levels are reduced by:

  • blowing things up

  • taking sedatives

  • water

  • completing a level

Keith can also run to bins and discharge into them by forcing his head inside the bin (as long as it’s not too big). The bin contains the blast but is destroyed.

Play is divided into rooms that represent particular levels, each with an entrance and an exit with the “Boss” lying somewhere beyond the final exit. Exits are clearly marked with a big flashing sign.
Rooms are largely impervious to explosions. Some stages are laden with TNT and only raised platforms and strong buttresses provide protection from explosions. Others are a maze of metal presses and molten steel. A crowded cafeteria represents a potential stress overload for Keith if he runs out of bins and bystanders get killed.

The game will use a crosshair when Keith is looking at something he can ignite. When on inanimate objects, machines and robots, the crosshair is green. When over people the crosshair tuns into a blue exclamation make, meaning Keith can still blow them up but his stress level will increase dramatically.

Once explosions start, co-workers will usually run to the exit (signaling its location to Keith). However machine operators and weapon testers robots and are known for their crazy work ethic so they stay in position and operate the machinery and obstacles in Keith’s path. These guys can be blown up with minimal increase to stress levels.

It is likely that the Keith will die often and it is important that the player does not feel defeated by this set back. On the occasion of Keith’s death the player will be treated to a spectacular explosion in slow motion, with rag-doll movement on the hapless characters and large scale destruction and physics collisions. This will be an entertaining event that the player may well treat as a reward in itself much like the collisions in MotorStorm™.

What the player does
-tries to escape the whole ordeal
-focus (target lock)
-pushes trolley
-rides trolley
-takes pills to delay his head "swelling"
-avoids explosions
-avoids obstacles (eg, the architecture, employees)

why he does it
-because he's angry
-to avoid death
-to solve puzzles and escape level
-to avoid harming others
-to reach boss

how through the control system

-mouse-look movement
-mouse-look, GTA style target system with target button and "toggle through targets" selection button
-standard mapped keys [w]-forward, [a]-left, [s]-back, [d]-right etc
-lockon feature to focus energy

interact with environment
-jump up ledges to gain access to other areas
-use ladders
-push trollies of tnt
-ride trollies
-use powers to blow the tnt up
-the usual stuff(open doors, use ladders, crawl through holes
-possibly using movable expolsives to later blow up sections of the environment to solve puzzles.

interact with other creatures
-blows them up
-avoids blowing them up
-back chat and shop floor banter

1 comment:

Ben said...

I think i should just throw out some ideas, putting them on paper for everyone to looks at.

its 1:30am, im real tired. Im 100% certain ive left stuff out.

please add to it.

What the player does
-trying to escape the whole ordeal
-prevent himself from being blown up
-short term goal is getting out of obsticles way (eg, the architecture, employees)

why they do it
-to not die
-possibly not to harm anyone else
-the obsesion of blowing things up

how through the control system
-jump up ledges to gain access to other areas
-use ladders
-possibly use a keycard
-talk to someone for advice/temporary help
-use drugs to delay the head explosions (maybe at a cost of slower running speed or it taking longer to blow up tnt's)

interact with environment
-(its all about the environment here)
-use powers to blow the tnt up
-the usual stuff(open doors, use ladders, crawl through windows, collect items to affect environment)
-possibly using movable expolsives to later blow up sections of the environment

interact with other creatures
-talk to them for advice
-blow them up if harmful
-use items on them